Thursday, August 4, 2016

Stormfall Age of War

Current Favorite ONLINE game I play. Great for P.V.P.; chatting experience. Sux for in game purchases as I have spent a bit on it to better my self. the More you SPEND; the badder you are. If you don't spend; you won't have as much fun, gear won't be great; Legendary Troops almost non existent; won't get the cool castle skin options...i could go on for awhile.
The Battle Ground's are random; never get the same reward twice; can't tell what you going to lose/win when you send same amount/type of units to same level the result always differs.
The resource limit of 50000 per person per week limits the amount of raiding you can do in your "neighborhood". This also includes transporting resources to league mates. It is a challenge to say the least.